Can man beat horse? Let’s find out…

Can man beat horse? That’s the question that’s set to be answered this coming weekend at the famous Whole Earth Man v Horse race in Llanwrtyd Wells.

© Copyright Roger D Kidd

The Mid Wales town has developed a reputation for organising a series of off the wall outdoor activities since 1980 under the leadership of Green Events.

Next event on the Llanwrtyd Wells calendar - after stone skimming and ahead of the Cider Cycle - is the famous Whole Earth Man v Horse  Race on Saturday, June 8.

The event, which has a full entry list already, will be supported by refreshments, a bar and music.

The organisers explain: “The event began in June 1980 following a chat over a pint (or three) in the back bar of the Neuadd Arms Hotel.

“The then Landlord, Gordon Green, overheard two men discussing the relative merits of men and horses running over mountainous terrain. The enterprising Gordon, never one to miss an opportunity to promote Llanwrtyd Wells and improve business at his hotel, decided to put it to the test.

“And so began Green Events and its first, longest standing and now internationally acclaimed event, Man v Horse.”

The equines have a score to settle - as last year runner Daniel Connolly beat the herd, finishing the course in just two hours, 24 minutes and 38 seconds - a whole 10 minutes before the first horse.

Winner of Man v Horse 2023, Daniel Connolly (PHOTO: Whole Earth)

Daniel was among more than 1,200 runners and 60 riders. The 2024 event has already attracted a full contingent of riders. will one of them make it to the finishing line first, in front of the runner? We’ll certainly be cheering them on!


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